Bridging the Digital Divide/Tutoring
Bridging the digital divide and closing the homework gap.
We provide each student with the equipment and training to thrive in an increasingly digital world including:
- Brand-new laptop computer
- Access to broadband internet
- Personal tutoring
- One-on-one mentoring
Access to
Broadband Internet
Problem Solving

The Issue
Nationwide, 31% of African American households do not have high speed internet access 1.
More than 4 in 10 don’t have home broadband services (44%) or a traditional computer (46%).2 The COVID-19 pandemic caused a near-total shutdown of the U.S. school system, forcing more than 55 million students to transition to home- based remote learning practically overnight. In most cases, that meant logging in to online classes and accessing lessons and assignments through a home internet connection. An astonishing 90% of eighth-grade Black boys in the U.S. are not proficient in reading. 3 Black boys are more likely than any other group to be placed in special education classes, with 80% of all special education students being Black or Hispanic males (source).
How We Deliver
ADO will purchase and provide wired broadband access for each student as needed.
We will purchase and provide each student with a brand new laptop.
Finally, and most importantly, each student will be matched with a dedicated tutor and mentor who will interface with the child, their parents, and their teachers.

The Result
The assistance that ADO provides will level the playing field for disadvantaged students as it relates to technology availability. In context of the current state of COVID-19, we will give students a far better opportunity to keep up with mandated online classes. ADO will improve reading proficiency level and overall academic achievement among our students by utilizing one-on-one tutors and mentors.